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My Story

A Tale of Triumph: Join the Journey to Empower Others!

Allow me to share my story with you. Back in March 2021, I faced a daunting challenge: a diagnosis of Breast Cancer. But let's not dwell on the lengthy details; what truly matters is my ultimate goal. Following my double mastectomy (a heartwrenching experience), I was prescribed pain medication to aid in my recovery. Unfortunately, my body reacted adversely to the drugs, causing severe skin irritation, blisters, and excruciating pain.

In my determination to find a solution, I embarked on a personal quest. After much effort, I developed a miraculous concoction that not only reversed my skin issues but also transformed the lives of my close friends who tried it. This triumph over adversity inspired me to take this discovery further.

But the journey didn't stop there. As I battled my own struggles, my middle daughter faced a fierce fight against Stage 3 Breast Cancer. It's difficult not to be moved to tears when I recall the challenges she faced. The doctors at Vanderbuilt, observing the size of one tumor, decided on aggressive treatment – chemo and radiation – followed by a double mastectomy. It took until May of this year to complete her one-year chemo and 25 rounds of radiation. During this process, her doctor recommended petroleum-based creams to protect her skin from damage. Naturally, as a mother, I had to step in and create a companion product to aid her. The results were astounding! Her scars healed remarkably well, and her surgeon was amazed by her progress.

Beyond all that I went through, I want to fulfill a promise I made to myself and my daughter - to help countless people suffering from cancer, diabetes, and other skin ailments by offering my healing elixirs!